In this tutorial you will learn how to use streaming to open, store and close opened positions. The code will be written in C#, but it is not complicated and could be easily rewritten to any other language.
The key of this tutorial is to understand the trade records sent in streaming and to interpret them properly. The whole code used in this tutorial is available here:
Commands used in this tutorial:
- getSymbol,
- tradeTransaction,
- getTradeStatus(streaming),
- getTrades(streaming),
- getTickPrices(streaming).
Before you start...
- To complete this tutorial, you need C# wrapper (available here: or be able to use all commands listed above by yourself,
- We assume that you have at least basic knowledge of xAPI and you are able to establish a connection and login to the server.
Step 1. Get initial symbol price
- Pick a symbol you wish to trade on, in our case it will be EURUSD
- Use getSymbol command to get initial Ask and Bid prices for the symbol.
SymbolResponse symbolResponese = APICommandFactory.ExecuteSymbolCommand(connector, symbol); currentAskPrice = symbolResponese.Symbol.Value.Ask; currentBidPrice = symbolResponese.Symbol.Value.Bid;
The symbol variable is used to store the name of the symbol ("EURUSD"). The currentAskPrice and currentBidPrice are used to store current prices for the symbol.
Step 2. Create streaming listener class
- Create streaming listener class, which will implement the StreamingListener interface. You can call it TestStreamingListener.
- Define ReceiveTradeRecord function with the code listed below, which will take care of StreamingTradeRecords that come through streaming.
- Define ReceiveTickRecord function which will get current symbol prices in real time and store them in currentAskPrice and currentBidPrice variables described in the Step 1. The code is listed below:
- Define the ReceiveTradeStatusRecord function which adds accepted trade orders which open and close positions to the acceptedTradeOrders list. The unacceptedTradeOrders list holds the trade orders that open and close the positions, but have not been unaccepted yet. The method removes the order from unacceptedTradeOrders in case it was accepted.
- For the application to build without errors, you also need to define ReceiveBalanceRecord and ReceiveProfitRecord in your class. We won't use them in this tutorial so we will just leave them blank.
void StreamingListener.ReceiveTradeRecord(StreamingTradeRecord tradeRecord) { Console.WriteLine("\n"+tradeRecord+"\n"); if (tradeRecord.Type == STREAMING_TRADE_TYPE.OPEN) { Log("Trade with positionId: " + tradeRecord.Position + " opened"); acceptedTradeOrders.Remove(tradeRecord.Order2.Value); openedPositions.Add(tradeRecord.Position.Value); } else if (tradeRecord.Type == STREAMING_TRADE_TYPE.CLOSE) { Log("Trade with positionId: " + tradeRecord.Position + " closed"); openedPositions.Remove(tradeRecord.Position.Value); } }
The ReceiveTradeRecord method checks the type field in the tradeRecord. Depending on its value, it adds or removes order and position numbers from appriopriate lists.
Every position is opened and closed by an order. Notice that the acceptedTradeOrders list holds numbers of the orders that open positions. When the field type has STREAMING_TRADE_TYPE.OPEN value we know that the position was opened. Then we remove the order that opened the position from acceptedTradeOrders using the order2 field and add the position number to the openedPositions list using the position field.
In case the type has the STREAMING_TRADE_TYPE.CLOSE value we can remove the position from openedPositions list as the position is closed.
void StreamingListener.ReceiveTickRecord(StreamingTickRecord tickRecord) { currentAskPrice = tickRecord.Ask.Value; currentBidPrice = tickRecord.Bid.Value; }
void StreamingListener.ReceiveTradeStatusRecord(StreamingTradeStatusRecord tradeStatusRecord) { Console.WriteLine("\n"+tradeStatusRecord.ToString()+"\n"); if (tradeStatusRecord.RequestStatus == REQUEST_STATUS.ACCEPTED) { Log("Trade request with order: " + tradeStatusRecord.Order + " accepted"); unacceptedTradeOrders.Remove(tradeStatusRecord.Order.Value); acceptedTradeOrders.Add(tradeStatusRecord.Order.Value); } }
The full code of TestStreamingListener class is listed below:
class TestStreamingListener : StreamingListener { void StreamingListener.ReceiveTradeRecord(StreamingTradeRecord tradeRecord) { Console.WriteLine("\n" + tradeRecord + "\n"); if (tradeRecord.Type == STREAMING_TRADE_TYPE.OPENED) { Log("Trade with positionId: " + tradeRecord.Position + " opened"); acceptedTradeOrders.Remove(tradeRecord.Order2.Value); openedPositions.Add(tradeRecord.Position.Value); } else if (tradeRecord.Type == STREAMING_TRADE_TYPE.CLOSED) { Log("Trade with positionId: " + tradeRecord.Position + " closed"); openedPositions.Remove(tradeRecord.Position.Value); } } void StreamingListener.ReceiveTickRecord(StreamingTickRecord tickRecord) { currentAskPrice = tickRecord.Ask.Value; currentBidPrice = tickRecord.Bid.Value; } void StreamingListener.ReceiveBalanceRecord(StreamingBalanceRecord balanceRecord) { } void StreamingListener.ReceiveNewsRecord(StreamingNewsRecord newsRecord) { } void StreamingListener.ReceiveTradeStatusRecord(StreamingTradeStatusRecord tradeStatusRecord) { Console.WriteLine("\n" + tradeStatusRecord.ToString() + "\n"); if (tradeStatusRecord.RequestStatus == REQUEST_STATUS.ACCEPTED) { Log("Trade request with order: " + tradeStatusRecord.Order + " accepted"); unacceptedTradeOrders.Remove(tradeStatusRecord.Order.Value); acceptedTradeOrders.Add(tradeStatusRecord.Order.Value); } } void StreamingListener.ReceiveProfitRecord(StreamingProfitRecord profitRecord) { } }
Step 3. Initialize streaming
- Now we can use our TestStreamingListener class to initialize the streaming. Here is the code:
TestStreamingListener strListener = new TestStreamingListener(); connector.Streaming.Connect(strListener); connector.Streaming.SubscribeTrades(); connector.Streaming.SubscribePrice(symbol); connector.Streaming.SubscribeTradeStatus();
Step 4. Open the trade
- The opening of the trade must be done by tradeTransaction command. Here is the code:
- This is the output of the application in the console:
- two for the order (number 202496) that opens the position with type = 1
- one for the opened (type = 0) position (number 202497) with the number of the order that opened the position (202496) under order2 field.
double sl = 0.0; double tp = 0.0; double volume = 0.1; long order = 0; string customComment = "my comment"; long expiration = 0; TradeTransactionResponse tradeResponse = APICommandFactory.ExecuteTradeTransactionCommand(connector, TRADE_OPERATION_CODE.SELL, TRADE_TRANSACTION_TYPE.ORDER_OPEN, currentBidPrice, sl, tp, symbol, volume, order, customComment, expiration); unacceptedTradeOrders.Add(tradeResponse.Order.Value);
We open the SELL trade using the currentBidPrice and symbol variables which were explained in the beginning.
Additionally, we add the order number to the unacceptedTradeOrders and wait for it to be accepted via streaming in the ReceiveTradeStatusRecord.

We can see that there are three StreamingTradeRecords during opening the position:
Step 5. Close the trade
- Closing of the trade is also executed by the tradeTransaction command, but in this case we use the Ask price and add the position number we are willing to close. We can get the position number from openedPositions list.
- The output of the console after closing the position is displayed on the image below:
- two for the order (number 202503) that closes the position (but this time it is a BUY order, which can be seen in the cmd field) with type = 1
- additional one with the info about the position
- last one which holds the information that the position (number 202497) was closed (we know this because: type = 2 and closed = true).
double sl = 0.0; double tp = 0.0; double volume = 0.1; string customComment = "my comment"; long expiration = 0; long positionToClose = openedPositions[openedPositions.Count - 1]; TradeTransactionResponse tradeResponse = APICommandFactory.ExecuteTradeTransactionCommand(connector, TRADE_OPERATION_CODE.SELL, TRADE_TRANSACTION_TYPE.ORDER_CLOSE, currentAskPrice, sl, tp, symbol, volume, positionToClose, customComment, expiration);

Now, we can see that there are four StreamingTradeRecords for the closing of the position:
In this tutorial you have learned how to:
- open the trade,
- get current prices for the symbol using streaming,
- get the information about accepted orders that open the position using streaming,
- get the information about opened positions using streaming,
- close the position using prices from streaming.