This tutorial explains what should be put in your application login window. You should follow this tutorial if you are willing to deploy your application on xStore.pro.
Required elements
Here is the list of requried elements that should be placed in the login window:
- A control to place the login number
- A control to place the password
- An option to choose between DEMO and REAL server
- A checkbox allowing the user to agree with Legal notice
Legal notice
Here is the content of legal notice. The user should have an option to read it (either by clicking on the 'Legal notice' text or in another way).
What is the most important is that the user cannot login to the application without accepting it (for example by checking the checkbox).
This application available on xstore.pro website should not to be considered necessarily precise or error-free and X Open Hub Sp. z o.o. does not at any time guarantee the accuracy of its works. X Open Hub Sp. z o.o. is not a creator of this application. X Open Hub Sp. z o.o. only distributes application to the xStore users.
User accepts all risk which may arise from the fact of using of this application. X Open Hub Sp. z o.o. does not accept any responsibility towards any user, his/her proxy or agent, or third party which executes transactions on such application available on the X Open Hub Sp. z o.o. website and the user shall relief X Open Hub Sp. z o.o. form any liability which results from any inaccuracy of this application, which in particular may rely on delay of information such as quotations, news, charts derived from quotations or on duly execution of transactions.
Additionally xStore does not accept responsibility for any losses or lost trading opportunities deriving from interruptions in online communications or caused by technical problems of applications. By using of this application You agree to fully indemnify and hold harmless X Open Hub Sp. z o.o. from any losses, costs and expenses that it may incur as a result of any such errors, commissions or mistakes of this application.
By choosing application with click trading mode, you understand that your orders will be submitted upon your clicking of the bid or ask rate, without any further order confirmation. You agree to accept all risks associated with the use of the order submission mode you have chosen, including, without limitation, the risk of errors, omissions or mistakes made in submitting any order. You agree to fully indemnify and hold harmless X Open Hub Sp. z o.o. from any and all losses, costs and expenses that it may incur as a result of any such errors, omissions or mistakes caused by you, your trading manager or any other person trading on your behalf.
Here is an example of how login window might look like:

In this tutorial you have learned how to create a login window in your application. Remember to follow every requirement mentioned in this tutorial before you send your application to xStore.pro.